Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just a little mess

So, sometimes when we're rushing and Levi's hair is unruly, I'll grab a cup of water and his comb to get it under control. I inadvertently left said comb on the kitchen table one afternoon. Levi was in the highchair having a snack while I was cooking supper. I turned around and this is the face (and 'do) that greeted me. His hands? Oh, they were busy dipping his comb in his milk and combing his hair with it. Levi, WHAT are you doing? "Fixed hair Mamma." He's such a bugger!

My First Blog

So, my friend...errr, coworker, Lindsey thought I should start blogging. Apparently she finds my life stories quite considerably more entertaining than I do. But, I figure, I'll give it a shot. The first step was to figure out a name for the blog. I think it's fitting. I hope to remember to do this regularly and bring you some entertainment as I talk little mess. :-)