Sunday, May 22, 2011


So, yeah, where have I been? Anyway, here's a little update on what's happening around my little mess these days...

Levi has graduated to his Thomas the Tank Engine toddler bed. What a nightmare that was! For...forever...I have rocked him to sleep, nearly every night of his short little life, before putting him in his bed (crib). Sooo, I *should* still do that. Right?!?  The toddler bed shouldn't make a difference. And the transition will be easier if we stick to the same routine, right?!?  WRONG! After a solid week of getting less than 2 hours of something-sort-of-like-sleep, I decided that maybe the problem is, I rocked him to sleep.

So, now, we don't rock anymore. And I miss it. But, the change has made all the difference in the world. There are the nights that he sneaks out of bed 3 -or 12- times before he falls asleep, but we can handle that. One night, husband and I went to bed early (his day shifts mean a 4:30am alarm clock!) and we were watching Levi's antics on the baby monitor (best money we spent on baby gear was the mobi cam with night vision!) and suddenly it got VERY quiet. And there was this mound of something (blanket, webkinz cat, Levi's behind?!?) on the screen. We thought maybe he'd given up, passed out. But the mound was a little too still. So, after 3-4 minutes of debating on the mound's identity, husband decided to investigate. He opens our bedroom door, Levi tears back down the hallway at lightspeed, shouting "I just lay in my bed now!" That little bugger had been standing at our bedroom door listening to us talk about him the whole stinking time!!!

Another new development is that Levi's been moved up to the 2's classroom at school. They're working on potty training with him. Yesterday afternoon, he was playing in his kiddy pool and suddenly he shouts, "Lord-a-mercy I gotta pee!" I thought husband and I would fall over!

Bailey, that's Levi's pooch, had a haircut. He looks a little silly but he sure acts like he feels better. I'll try and post a video of the two of them playing in Levi's kiddy pool this weekend.

Now, I have a hot date with a pile of laundry that's begging to be folded, so, here I go...God bless you all!

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Routine Baby...Out of his Routine

So, this week was the 2011 National Smart Start Conference. It's a time when early childhood professionals from all over the US (and even some internationals!!) converge on the Sheraton at Four Seasons to sit in on workshops covering topics on early childhood education quality, stress management, board operations, administration of Smart Start programs, and child development, among others. The last physical conference was 2009 (in 2010, due to budget constraints, the conference was held as a series of webinars, and, IMHO, it was much less effective). At the time of the 2009 conference, Levi was *almost* 3 months old. I was nursing, and the conference was a 4-day event for me, so he and my husband came along. Then, it wasn't that bad. He would sleep alot. And was content to ride around in his stroller. At that age, routine wasn't all that "necessary."

Well, this year, all plans were in place for Levi to stay home with Daddy while Mamma when to Conference. Mamma would get a much needed break, and Daddy & Levi would get some MUCH-needed bonding time. And then Duke Children's Consultative Services ruined it. The appointment we'd been waiting MONTHS to get with a GI specialist, was scheduled for May 3. The first day of conference. Half-way between conference and home. Our options were very limited. So, we packed up our family and made arrangements for the care of our 3 pooches, 1 donkey, 2 turkeys and I-lost-count-of-how-many chickens. And off we went.

Well, over the last 2 years, Levi has grown very accustomed to his routine. Wake up at 6:15. Breakfast by 8:30. Lunch by 11:30. Nap by 12:00. Snack at 2:30. Supper by 5:45. Bath by 7:30. Bed by 8:00. Do it all over again.

Hotel life, eating out 3 meals, and being away from school (read: daycare) and his friends was NOT what Levi had in mind. Napping was a joke. Sleeping was even funnier. And eating?! Please. Apple Sauce, Cheerios and Cheese. Nothing else would do.

We were terrible at taking pictures while we were gone. Mostly because we didn't really do anything. But, here's one of the few times he actually slept some. :)

And this is when we got him to eat something besides cheerios, applesauce and cheese. Though it is cheese pizza...

And, THIS is how he spent the majority of his time. Notice the giant bag of cheerios beside of him. smh